Saturday, July 30, 2016

Meditation Challenge Day 4

Rain Rain Rain...

This summer has been so very hot and we are in the midst of a terrible drought, so this morning the rain that is falling is a very welcome sight for my garden and lawn. However,  the place that I have been meditating is on my deck and in the rain. So this morning I am trying a new spot...

I decided upon a quiet place in front of my fireplace. I lit a candle to help set the mood and had my headphones in! As a back up place it wasn't bad but I do think I like meditating on the deck better.

I have started to notice subtle changes in my normal day. I think I have more patience with myself and my children. One of goals is for my daughters to also begin to meditate as part of their ADHD living plan. Lead by example. Hopefully they will notice the changes in myself and want to try it for themselves. I shared this infographic from Emma Seppala, Ph.D. The Science of Happiness, Health and Success with my girls and now with you... :-)

Have a mindful day!


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