Sunday, July 24, 2016

Meditation and ADD

Let's face it, we have all heard how wonderful meditation is for  you, especially if you have ADD.  Some studies have even claimed that it has cured it. (Not sure how if it is a neurological condition... but any hoo ) So, I thought I would give it a try and see for myself. The list of benefits from meditation is extensive, but here are my top ten, in no particular order from 76 Scientific Benefits of Meditation from the Live and Dare web site.

1. Meditation helps regulate mood and anxiety in general:
     That is a benefit for All not just people with ADD. Everyone could use a little help lowering their stress and keeping their moods in check.

2. Meditation improves your focus, attention and ability of work under stress:
     This is the crux of my ADHD. My mother has always said I have the attention span of a gnat, and she is right. If my focus and attention improves I am pretty sure I would make better decisions, which would lower my stress not increase it. No one makes good choices when they are stressed and can't focus.... or they are focused on the wrong things. Working under stress increases your anxiety... and see #1.

3. Loving- Kindness meditation improves empathy and positive relationships:
     Everybody wants positive relationships in their lives. Those connections are what feeds us and makes us feel like part of a community. If meditation can help with that it should be a requirement for all!

4. Meditation reduces reactivity:
     I admit it.... sometime I feel like my ADHD has hijacked my brain and instead of being proactive I become reactive and my best side becomes very hidden.  Not pretty!

5. Meditation increases the ability to stay focus in spite of distractions:
     Life is full of distractions and anything that will help my ability to stay focused while distractions are swirling around me is a win- win for not just me but everyone around me!

6. Mindful meditation improves rapid memory recall:
     I don't know about you but one of my most annoying ADHD symptoms is my memory recall. I have to write everything down and am the Queen of lists.

7. Mindful meditation fosters creativity:
     Being creative is an outlet for me and is one of my ADHD gifts.

8. Meditation enhances self esteem:
     I think everyone could use a self esteem boost, but people with ADD are very hard on themselves and their self esteem takes a beating.

9.  Meditation improves your health at every level.
     Even the molecular level! Healthy cells.... Life excels!

10. Meditation may make you live longer:
     That is reason enough to try it!
I am going to put forth my best effort and see what all this hoopla is about and determine for myself if meditation can be/ or should be part of my ADHD living plan. Join me on my adventures through the world of meditation.....

Do you meditate? Do you have ADD? Do you feel it has helped? I would love to hear from you and share experiences.



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