Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Meditation Challenge Day 2

July 26, 2016

     Day 2 of my meditation challenge. To really see and feel the benefits of meditation, I have decided to meditate every morning when I first wake up. I like the spot that I have chosen on my deck, I feel relaxed and inspired and the flowers make me happy.
     Yesterday while I was meditating, I listened to the birds and the sounds of my neighborhood. My mind kept on bouncing around from the birds, to a car starting, my dog barking and anything else I could hear. I spent most of the day beating myself up about "meditating wrong." Then I started to realize that beating myself up or wanting things to be perfect is my typical response and part of my ADHD loop. Maybe that is what I am supposed to work on and get out of meditation. Being gentle and patient with myself is one of the benefits I am looking forward to. I like this list of 100 Magical Benefits of Meditation from The Healam website!
     Today I decided to use my headphones and listen to "Natural Music." The headphones did make a difference to help cancel out the distracting noises, increase my focus and stop my pinball mind. The 10 minutes went by very quickly and I concentrated more on my breathing than the sounds around me. I happen to be an Amazon Prime member and have access to all different types of music including "Meditation Music." Love it!
     Then..... again my inner critic and interior chatter started chirping... Should I be listening to music while meditating?? Well I will let you decide for yourself.... Beginners Meditation makes a case for both. As for me, right now I have to continue using music to quiet my mind and allow me to concentrate on my breathing.

Do you use music while meditating? Do you find it helps or hinders? I am open to any and all suggestions!!

Have a great and focused day


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