Thursday, July 28, 2016

Keep calm and Carry on!

August 27, 2016
Sooo.... after my not so successful meditation session I went and did a little research for myself on how to calm my mind down so I can move forward with my day. I came across a great blog called The ADHD Nerd. One of Ryan McRae's post Finding Calm within Our ADHD Mind was exactly what I needed to read today. He talks about letting go of regret and has 3 questions to help with the process.
1. How did this happen?
2. If I can fix this, how can I?
3. How can I prevent this from happening again?
Three simple questions that can adjust your lens and help put things in perspective... It is definetely worth a read!
"I think I carry much more than I should all the time- I carry more than anyone asks." Ryan McRae

When you check out the blog, make sure you sign up for his free Ebook. I did!
Four Steps to Finding Focus With an ADHD Mind

P.S. I got bright pink earplugs this afternoon :-)

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