Thursday, July 28, 2016

Meditation Challenge Day 3

Meditation Challenge Day 3
August 27,2016

     While I do feel having music or natural sounds playing while I meditate has helped me with this process, having my headphones is critical! Today was not my best effort and part of the problem was my headphones!
      I am the mother of 3 daughters, (All of us blessed with ADD/ADHD) my oldest lives in Chicago so she is off the hook for this one.... The other two.... not so much... I spent an hour looking for my headphones so I could listen to my natural music and reap some of the benefits of meditation.... Now try to imagine someone who wants to just sit with a quiet mind and she can't find her headphones.... Enter my ADHD mind wind.... I became a woman obsessed with finding them. Let me back track a little, yesterday I noticed a difference with having the headphones in while meditating, so I specifically put the headphones right by the back door to my deck. Sounds like a good ADHD strategy... well apparently my middle daughter thought they were hers, not sure how because my headphones are blue so there could be no confusion, and took them away with her for a few days... Unfortunately, I spent an hour tearing the house apart looking for them! Finally got the .... "Oh I am sorry I didn't realize I had them"... text.  Are you kidding me??!!
     To say that I may not have been in the best possible mind set to begin my meditation session would be an understatement! That ADHD mind wind was set for continuous loop and I could not just let go of meditating with headphones in. I HAD to have them. I could not move on until I found them. I could not just say, "Oh well, I will find later, this time is for me."  My house was clean.... not so much anymore... I woke up in a positive place and then my brain was hijacked and the crazies took over!
     I did meditate for 10 minutes, listening to the same music as yesterday but without headphones. It was not the same. I was not in a good place to start and my mood only improved a little. My mind was all over the place and the more I tried to concentrate on my breathing the more aggravated I got at the fact that I was doing this without headphones.....
     Lesson of the day... Let it go! What should of mattered was that I had made a commitment to myself and was following through. I am trying to better my life and be open to new experiences... not whether or not I had headphones!!

    The ADDitude website is a fantastic resource for people with ADD and the people in their lives. I read this article The ADHD Mind and found it helpful. If you haven't looked at the site I encourage you to do so, you are not alone !!

Off to buy another pair of headphones.....


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