Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Meditation Challenge Day 5

Day 5!
    I am still at it and for me that is a huge accomplishment. I think dedicating myself to meditating and writing about it in this blog has helped keep me accountable. I must admit it is easier for me to settle in and begin to meditate now. However, my focus and thoughts are still like a pinball machine. So, I found some good advice from Meditation Oasis. This site has podcasts for a variety of meditation topics, a blog and some wonderful resources on meditation that are written with the novice in mind. One particular post caught my eye, Difficulty Meditating. Ahhhh, so I am not alone in feeling this way.

     1. Problems with thoughts in meditation:
         I think I just needed someone to tell me that it was okay for my thoughts to be still firing on all cylinders! The more I tried to stop my thoughts, the more dominate they became. Now I can just let them go and eventually they will slow down and I can concentrate on my breathing.

     2. Restlessness:
         Sitting still and quiet and my ADHD sometimes do not get along the greatest. I do get restless and want to stop at times, but today I acknowledged the feeling and continued with my meditation.

     3. Being uncomfortable with our feelings:
         This has not happened to me yet, I am still learning how to be comfortable with meditating!

     4. Disappointed that "good experiences" aren't always there:
         I am still working on the basics of meditation, for me it has all been good experiences. Even when I am not sure of exactly what I should be doing or feeling, I am open to the process and am hopeful of the results.

Stay focused and have a fabulous day!


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