Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Gratitude Meditation

The power of Thank you... I have had a rough couple of days and I am glad that I have started incorporating meditation into my morning routine. Sometimes when my ADHD is in overdrive I feel overwhelmed and that I am going down the rabbit hole...

This morning when I was meditating, my mind was twirling and instead of having this positive experience and setting my day up for success, I felt defeated and crushed and the tears started flowing... I was hoping that meditation would center me, focus and help me climb out of the rabbit hole... but like I said I have had a rough couple of days.  Meditation was not working how I wanted or needed. In the middle of my crying session, I realized that even though my life was not how I wanted right now... I have an awful lot to be thankful for and that I am dam lucky.... Pity party over...

Then I found this article from Elephant Journal and it was exactly what I needed to read... How to PracticeGratitude Meditation - Oprah always promoted keeping a gratitude journal and change the lens you look at things to come from a place of gratitude, I am thankful and am dam lucky. Be open to all the world has to offer and realize I am surrounded by blessings.

Today I am thankful for my Dad and his financial wisdom. I am thankful for my children and the incredible people they are and becoming. I am thankful that when I asked for help... finally... that people have been more than helpful and my fears were not as powerful as I thought they were.

What are you thankful for?


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