Saturday, August 6, 2016

Meditation Challenge

My Meditation Challenge has continued to go well. I decided to go crazy and add 5 minutes to my meditation time! I know crazy, huh.... I have made some adjustments but I think that is the idea of the whole thing, to do what works for me so I will continue and challenge myself.

1. I meditate first thing in the morning. I feel this is a nice way to start the day and set myself up for success. Right now meditating first thing is easier for me because it is summer time. I am hoping that this challenge will help me make meditating a habit and when the pace of life speeds up in the fall this will part of my ADHD strategies.

2. I do continue to listen to music with headphones... That I have discovered is a non-negotiable for me. By blocking out the noise of the world, I can concentrate on my breathing.

3. It is harder than I thought.... but I have started to really see some positive benefits. I feel my focus has increased, don't get me wrong my mind is still like a pinball machine, but I can reel it back in easier now and have become more aware of my wandering mind. My patience has increased and I feel more at peace. I like starting off my day on a positive note and grounded.

Daring to Live Fully  has a great post 10 Practical Tips for Creating a Meditation Habit it is def worth the read!

Like this post if you are trying to live your life to the fullest!


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