Friday, January 10, 2014

One Little Word

One little word.... (OLW) One word to guide you... to ground you... to inspire you... to focus you... What word would you chose? The dictionary is full of words (some I can't believe are in there) yet if you were to pick one to be your guide for this year what would it be?

All of my adult life the word Believe has been my beacon. I am an optimistic person. I see the glass as half full. I wear rose colored glasses and I like the view. Don't get me wrong, just like everyone else I have had my share of hardships and heartbreak, but I have always believed that the life I have dreamed about is going to happen. I believe that there will be a happily ever after for me. Whenever life throws me a curve ball, I do my best to deal with it and believe it will get better.

But, there is a problem with my strategy. I can close my eyes and recite the incantation, "I Believe!" till the cows come home but if I don't actually do something than my belief can only get me so far. So Believe is my overarching word and the word I have chosen to be my OWL is Grit!

Now you may asking yourself what kind of word is grit? The dictionary defines it as: courage and resolve, strength of character and fortitude. Perseverance has never been my strongest quality, I can't tell you how many projects I have started and never finished. I have dreams and I do believe they will happen, but this year I am going to concentrate on Grit. The fortitude to put some muscle behind my dreams.

I am not expecting miracles, nor am I expecting my life to instantly change. I have obstacles in my way, one being I have ADHD. I am not using it as an excuse, I am using it to help guide me. Keeping with something is a life-skill that I am not wired with. If I lose interest in a project, I can look at it and believe it will get done, but if I don't do something it won't happen. Enter Grit! I get overwhelmed easily and sometimes am unsure of what my next step is, so I don't make any.

My focus will be on grit. Keep with something a little bit longer than I have in the past. The resolve to do one more thing to get the job done. Not necessarily finish the project but be one step closer. One step closer to my dreams and the life I have imagined.

Maybe I still have my rose colored glasses on, but like I said.... I like the view!

Have a fabulous day !
